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免费在线玩原版的 Super Mario Bros 游戏


使用箭头 [↑→↓←]W-A-S-D 键移动马里奥,按住按钮跳得更高。
使用 Shift/CTRL 来点 火/冲刺 。使用 P暂停 ,使用 M 静音。



Get 25000 pts in the first round and WIN a mario mini console (full rules)
地图选择 地图选择
声音关闭 有声音的


在游戏中,您正在扮演马里奥的角色。你正在穿越蘑菇王国,生存对手弓箭手的力量,并拯救公主塔德斯图尔。马里奥应该在最后到达旗杆 每个关卡赢得比赛。

有大量的硬币散落在马里奥收集和特殊砖块上,上面标有问号,当马里奥撞击它们时,可能会出现更多的硬币或特殊物品。其他砖块也可能包含一些硬币或稀有物品,因此如果您有时间,也请尝试敲击它们。如果Mario Mario吃超级蘑菇超级蘑菇 ,他成为超级马里奥超级马里奥 —他成长为他的两倍并获得破碎他上方的砖块的能力。如果他在这种模式下被击中,他将回到普通的马里奥,而不是死亡。如果马里奥吃了一朵火 Fire Flower花 他变成一个火焰马里奥 FireMario —在这种形式下,马里奥获得从手中投掷弹跳火球的能力。如果马里奥触碰到弹跳的超级星星(一种罕见的强化) ,他就会变成星马里奥。在这种形式下,马里奥几乎对所有事情都是无敌的,他只需轻轻触摸即可杀死敌人。这是一种暂时的形式,所以请尽快使用您新获得的力量!

您可以在此处阅读更多关于最佳游戏之一的游戏 玩法


Ragjeet Bangle / 22 Oct 2024
love this game very very much it makes me happy
Vedansh Sharma / 19 Oct 2024
Loved this game
Someone was playing during class so I had to try it
Minecraft creeper / 11 Oct 2024
Hi Minecraft and roblox is good.
Kiran patil / 11 Oct 2024
I. Love super mario bros game
ZALÁN / 10 Oct 2024
25000 SCORE
Mateo Reyes Marcano / 09 Oct 2024
is very goos this game
Fahad Farooq / 03 Oct 2024
Found a bug, contact me to get this fixeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
for fun
Ratan / 02 Oct 2024
Thank you sir for the first game but had
Kamla / 01 Oct 2024
Nice game and I'm really enjoy it
Vanshika / 01 Oct 2024
Nice game and flashbacks of childhood meomeries🥺
Rinku / 01 Oct 2024
Nice game 🎮
Mustari parween / 01 Oct 2024
Nice 👍 game
Jatin / 01 Oct 2024
Nice game bring back my old nd happy memories 😊
Ranjit Singh / 30 Sep 2024
I Love my game
oviya / 30 Sep 2024
how to download the game in the pc
shaikh shahed / 29 Sep 2024
I want to download this game in my phone but this game is not available on Play Store I am not getting how to get this game
Blaz Prizmic / 28 Sep 2024
Veryyy niceeee gaaaameeee, salio sam se Grobnik
jewon / 28 Sep 2024
I really like this game..
glinksnort / 27 Sep 2024
brought this back to keplar-9 and the family loved it! thank you for this! glory to glangduppersnot!!
found this and played during a college lesson!!!!!!!
wei kee / 24 Sep 2024
i like this game
Deepak Gaur / 23 Sep 2024
I think it's a good morning
lolfr / 20 Sep 2024
its ok but its so laggy
wais waos:D / 18 Sep 2024
Aditya Mulay / 17 Sep 2024
Yo this is great!!
samuel / 16 Sep 2024
super mario game is intresting
Rohit Mishra / 15 Sep 2024
E mario always good and best game ever
Sparko Plays / 09 Sep 2024
Nice, a full, free version of SMB1! I like the map select feature and random map. Is there a way to change the controls?
Medhansh / 07 Sep 2024
Cooooolest game ever I've ever spend my childhood with
mario bros21 / 06 Sep 2024
l ike its the mario run speed on game is slowed the game is not good of super mario bros on nes
cathaliah inzon / 04 Sep 2024
i like it
T_Uerata / 24 Aug 2024
I love Mario

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